Crew Allen Welle

Crew Allen Welle


Brandon and Dani Welle, of Melrose, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Crew Allen Welle, at 4:52 a.m., Aug. 13, 2022, at CentraCare-Melrose Hospital

He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long. 

Big sister Brynn, 3.5 years old, welcomed him home. 

Grandparents are Bob and Donna Welle, of Spring Hill; Elmer and Denise Burggraff, of Barnum; and Tim Brix, of Avon. Great-grandparents are Vernon and Genny Welle, of Spring Hill;  Roseann Meyer, of Paynesville; and Leona Burg, of Royalton. 

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